韩国VIBAS PH天然萃取头皮健康护理500ml Korea VIBAS PH natural health care shampoo


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Product Details

💥The most crazy shampoo on the surface claims to maintain a fluffy feeling for 100 hours after washing🌟
☑️The leading brand in the Korean hair products industry—VIBAS has launched the latest strong product, which is super easy to wash

❤️No need to envy others anymore, starting today you can also be a "hair volume tycoon"
Modern people live a fast pace, have high pressure in life, have an unbalanced diet, and have physical problems
🥹🥹Dandruff + itching + hair loss problems come one after another~~
✅In fact, having a smooth, shiny, lush and fluffy hair really adds points to your image~~
🌬️During the season change, the scalp is particularly sensitive, oily and accompanied by a strange smell, leaving people nowhere to hide
#In fact, you only need to use the right shampoo_to solve all problems

🔝The more you wash your hair, the more hair you have Strengthen hair roots, condition scalp, and make hair roots plump🤩
❌Don’t walk without wind because of insufficient hair volume😅

🔥Brand-exclusive formula, 7 seconds to make hair full and fluffy🔥
😍You can do a SPA for your hair at home to satisfy everyone’s desire for hair

💎Ingredients are targeted for "hair reconstruction, repair, nourishment, and moisturizing"
😇Net-wide certification, super sensation, experience the best moment of hair quality😇

🌿Natural plant extract formula, deep nourishment and revitalization, hair muscle is like rebirth

🔺Hemp root + nasturtium-activate hair roots and maintain scalp health Fluffy hair
🔺Cypress leaf + Azalea root - Enhance the metabolic function of hair follicles and remove dandruff
🔺Mulberry root + Elderberry - Remove scalp oil and restore hair elasticity and luster

🔘How to use:
▫️First pour an appropriate amount of shampoo on the palm of your hand, rub the shampoo to make bubbles, then apply it to the hair and gently massage the hair with your fingertips. After rubbing the bubbles, rinse the shampoo with clean water

▫️Squeeze the conditioner on the entire palm and apply it to the ends of the entire hair. After smoothing the hair, rinse it with clean water.

💥地表最狂洗髮精 號稱洗完可以維持100小時蓬鬆感🌟
☑️韓國髮品界龍頭品牌—VIBAS 最新強檔推出 超好洗

❤️不用再羨慕別人 今天開始你也可以是「 髮量富翁 」
✅其實擁有一頭柔順亮麗 豐盈蓬鬆的秀髮 真的對形象很加分~~
🌬️換季時期頭皮特別敏弱 出油伴隨異味 讓人無處可躲

🔝越洗頭髮越多 強健髮根 調理頭皮 讓髮根澎起來🤩

🔥品牌獨家研發配方 7秒豐盈蓬鬆🔥
😍在家裡就能夠幫頭髮做SPA 滿足每個人對頭髮的渴望

💎成份針對進行 「髮質重建、修護、滋養、潤澤 」
😇全網認證 超級有感 體驗髮質狀態最好的時刻😇

🌿天然植物萃取配方 深層滋養賦活 髮肌宛若重生

🔺蕁麻根+金蓮花- 活絡髮根 維持頭皮健康 髮絲蓬鬆
🔺側柏葉+杜鵑根- 增強毛囊代謝功能 去除頭皮屑
🔺桑根+接骨木果- 去除頭皮油脂 使髮絲恢復彈性光澤


▫️將護髮素擠滿整個手掌,塗抹在整把頭髮的末端上。 順開髮絲後,以清水沖洗乾淨。

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